For costing related to all the graphological services listed below, please contact me via e mail.
To ensure that your sample of handwriting is acceptable for my analysis, please ensure that:
1. It is of sufficient length - at least 5 lines together with your standard signature
2. The writer is not intoxicated at the time of writing the sample
3. The sample is spontaneous i.e. not copied from a text . Please do not be concerned about what you write as I will not be analysing content.
4. The scan copy must be of good clarity so it is best if the writing is in black or dark blue
5. If you write in block capitals, then please also submit your attempt at writing in normal lower case writing
On rare occasions I may refuse to analyse a writing sample if it is extremely unrevealing. One sees this type of writing among the semi-literate, but also occasionally handwriting can be exceptionally unexpressive, rather like the body language of master poker players or highly secretive businessmen or lawyers, who supppress potentially revealing gestures, in order to conceal their true intentions.
Personal services and fees
Please note: For all the services below, do not send payment until I have first seen the writing, as I will only request payment and produce a report if I think I can be of help.
Ancestral/Historical Analysis
Useful for those who want to find out more about their ancestors (such as grandparents) that they never had the opportunity of meeting. Can also help historical biographers deepen understanding of their subject.
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Career Guidance
Highlights key strengths and potentials for those seeking employment or direction change in life.
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Personal Growth Analysis (Deepens self-awareness)
Useful for meditators, yoga practitioners and other ‘seekers’ interested in their personal growth. I will highlight features in your personality that are slowing, or sabotaging, your personal evolution and will suggest potential psychological, physical or spiritual solutions that might be of help.
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Psychotherapeutic Analysis
Provides you with insight and practical advice to help solve your personal difficulties. Describe in as much detail as possible the nature of your dilemma, and include any questions you may have concerning this matter. I will provide you with insights that may clarify the source of your difficulties and will also offer suggestions that may improve your situation.
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Stress Check!
Detects those features of your personality and behaviour that are the fundamental stress triggers in your life.
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Doodle Analysis
Please note that although doodles and drawings can occasionally be exceptionally revealing, especially geometric doodles, often the interpretation will be very lacking in depth as compared with handwriting analysis, so please consider this service as simply providing a little lighthearted entertainment. More depth can be reached if the doodle is accompanied by a couple of lines and the signature of the doodler’s handwriting as this will shed further light on the doodle.
So if you wish to proceed, then send me an example of a doodle that you, or someone you know, habitually doodles, and I will interpret its meaning in as much detail as I can. (Please do not send me doodles for analysis unless they are examples of the person’s regular doodles.) If a person does not normally doodle, then they can ‘doodle’ me a tree and I will analyse this for you. (Send doodle prior to payment as I will only analyse doodles that are significantly revealing.)
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Reduce Fallout from Incompatibility
Helps find solutions for incompatibilities in a current relationship that you may wish to repair. For both samples of handwriting, I will present a short personality profile that highlights any fundamental causes of conflict and then I will offer potential solutions that might create a more harmonious atmosphere.
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In-depth Personality Portrait
This report will provide you with a deeper understanding of your own, or someone else’s, intellect, emotional temperament, sexual nature, social behaviour, and general conduct in intimate relationships. The analysis will also highlight any serious dysfunctional aspects of personality that need to be resolved.
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Writing sample requirements for all the above services: Send me, via email, a scan or photograph (preferably scan) of five or more lines of writing with signature, (more writing is better) not written under the influence of drugs, alcohol or severe fatigue. Provide details of the sex and approximate age. If the person normally writes in block capitals then in addition they must submit an additional five lines of their attempt to write lower case writing, so that I have samples of both the block capitals and lower case writing.
Child and family guidance: Helps to resolve difficulties experienced by parents and/or children. Can also be used to assess a child’s potentials. Please note below: ‘Special requirements for children’s handwriting samples’.
Graphological Profile of Children’s Handwriting
The price varies according to complexity, and whether or not I need to examine writing samples other than the child’s. Follow-up telephone counselling sessions are available if required.
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Assessment Only of Your Child’s Personality, Intelligence and Potential
Problems with your child at school or in the home? Learning difficulties? Attention deficit syndrome? Sudden disturbing changes in the child’s behaviour causing them to become aggressive, withdrawn or unexpectedly over compliant? Or perhaps you are just curious about the type of intelligence your child has and what their strongest potentials might be? If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above then I may be able to help.
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Prior to sending any payment, first send a small sample of writing to me via email attachment, because I will only compile a report on your child’s handwriting if I think it will be helpful. If I agree to do this work, then it is essential that you take the time and trouble to follow the detailed instructions below because I am not prepared to work with insufficient material.
Special requirements for children’s handwriting samples:
- Do not send a photo of your child, as I do not need to know what they look like, or their nationality, though I do need to know their age and whether they are a boy or girl.
- Send as many scanned samples as possible of both recent and old examples of your child’s writing/drawings/doodles etc stretching back in time at least one month. Samples older than one month need to include an approximate date.
- Depending upon what I initially notice in the writing, I may require samples of writing from those who are taking care of the child – e.g. parents, siblings, babysitters etc – to see if they may be catalysing the dysfunctional behaviour. If the child is encountering problems at school, then it would also be helpful to have the teacher’s writing. But please note that if I do feel it is necessary to look at the writing of other individuals, that their will be an appropriate additional charge for this extra service.
- I may, on some occasions, wish to discuss the report via telephone.
Corporate services and fees
Pre-interview Applicant Screening
Saves significant interviewing time and costs. Detects: ‘red flags’ such as questionable integrity, temper or poor organisation, which might not be evident from normal personnel selection procedures. Determines: team-working capabilities, energy and ambition, intelligence, executive potential, and numerous other qualities.
Screening up to ten applicants for a single job.This service includes a brief graphological report, highlighting the key traits of the best candidate in the group
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Executive Selection
To decide between candidates who have already been shortlisted for staff and junior management, middle management or senior management (CEO, CFO etc)
For each candidate, I will provide a full-page report discussing their weaknesses and strengths in all key areas specific to the requirements of the job, so that you can choose the one you feel is most appropriate.
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Maximum Integrity Check (For positions requiring total integrity)
To evaluate the suitability of employees for highest security positions. Low integrity can be extremely well hidden and can cost companies a fortune
For companies choosing this service, I charge one fixed price, for which I will continue screening applicants until I find one candidate who has zero signs of dishonesty in the writing.
Please note: Failing this integrity check most certainly does not denote that a candidate is dishonest! This is because, to pass my graphological ‘Maximum Integrity Check’, writing must show zero signs of dishonesty in all areas of a person's life, and this is an exceptionally rare quality since the average completely "honest" person has at least some indicators in their writing which show a potential for behaving dishonestly, given the right circumstances and life pressures.
This quality of maximum integrity, was precisely what was stipulated by the British Security Commission in Whitehall when I first conducted work for them in 1983.
In my 35 years as a professional graphologist, I have noted that around 95% of the population have at least one graphological sign of dishonesty in their writing, but around 90% of individuals in this group are likely to be functionally entirely honest.
However, anyone choosing to use my ‘Maximum Integrity Check’ service, can be 99.9% certain that the person I pick will be completely safe! The obvious disadvantage of my approach is that I will probably require writing from a significant number of applicants in order to find just one who fits my stringent requirements, and in the process, you can be sure that other candidates with no history of dishonesty will be excluded. The advantage of my approach, is that when someone passes this test, you will know that you have employed a person with the extraordinarily rare quality of total honesty. This is because I leave nothing to chance – candidates will pass my ‘Maximum Integrity Check’ only if their writing shows 100% honesty in all areas of their life.
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Corporate Exhibitions
Offering handwriting analysis is a great way to attract people to your stand.
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Television and Radio Demonstrations
Contact me for availability
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Special requirements for corporate handwriting samples (ADULT):
- Handwriting samples should be scanned and sent by email attachment. It must be spontaneous rather than copied. Content is unimportant as it will not be analysed
- State sex of writer, nationality, approximate age, and if known, any disability or injuries you are aware of that could affect writing quality (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, MS etc)
- If scanning is not possible, then a photograph of the writing may be sent by email attachment
- Minimum 5 lines (more is better) plus signature and if possible, the numerals 1–10, 100 and 10,000
- If the client normally writes in block capitals then in addition they must submit 5 lines of their attempt to write in lower case writing, so that I have samples of both the block capitals and lower case writing
- Samples should ideally not be produced while exhausted or intoxicated on drugs or alcohol
- The writing should ideally be a recent sample and not copied
- If a client has a strong preference for, and normally uses, a particular type of pen, then if possible, they should use this same pen
- The writing should not be a hurriedly scribbled note, but ‘normal’ writing as if writing a letter to a friend